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Hire a UVA PhD!

For more information please contact Justin Kirkland, Director of Graduate Studies.


Geoffrey Gordon

Geoffrey Gordon

Area of Study:
Comparative Politics
Dissertation: The Rise and Fall of Tutelary Democracy in Turkey
Committe Members: Carol Mershon (Committee Chair), John Echeverri-Gent, Robert Fatton, Adam Slez (UVA Sociology) and George Lawson (Australian National University)
Sam Koreman

Sam Koreman

Area of Study:
Political Theory
Dissertation: Bringing the State Back into Political Obligation
Committe Members: George Klosko (chair), Jen Rubenstein, Nate Adams (Philosophy), Paulina Ochoa Espejo, Micah Schwartman (Law School)
Yunsoo Lee

Yunsoo Lee

Area of Study:
Comparative Politics, International Relations
Dissertation: Political Economy of Industrial Policy Under Democracy: Electoral Competition and Economic Geography of High-Tech Firms in South Korea
Committe Members: Sonal Pandya (chair), David Leblang, Anne Meng
Jacob Lollis

Jacob Lollis

Area of Study:
American Politics
Dissertation: The Effects of Descriptive Representation in American Legislatures: Evidence from Committee Hearings and Legislative Effectiveness
Committe Members: Justin Kirkland (chair), Paul Freedman, Jennifer Lawless, Craig Volden
Tolu O. Odukoya

Tolu O. Odukoya

Area of Study:
International Relations
Dissertation: Understanding Citizens’ Receptivity to Reintegrating Former Terrorists: A Study of Nigerian Communities
Committe Members: John Owen (chair), Michael Smith, Robert Fatton, Tricia Bacon
Sowon Park

Sowon Park

Area of Study:
International Relations, Political Methodology
Dissertation: The Structure of Foreign Policy Preferences in the U.S. Congress
Committe Members: Philip Potter (chair), Todd S. Sechser, Justin Kirkland, Eric Min (UCLA)
Melle Scholten

Melle Scholten

Area of Study:
International Relations
Dissertation: Attitudes Towards Return Migration in a Developing Economy
Committe Members: David Leblang (chair), Sonal Pandya, Anne Meng, Maggie Peters (UCLA)